Film Reviews
Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox (Sara Lamm)
The grand tale of the soap maker of choice for generations of American counter-culture.
George Booker reviews... -
The Darjeeling Limited (Wes Anderson)
Wes Anderson bounces back from The Life Aquatic.
George Booker reviews... -
A Few Days In September (Santiago Amigorena)
Pre-9/11 thriller fails to move.
George Booker yawns... -
Shogun Assassin 3: Slashing Blades of Carnage (Buichi Saito)
AnimEigo brings another Americanized Lone Wolf and Cub instalment to DVD.
George Booker takes a look... -
Eastern Promises (David Cronenberg)
George Booker reviews an atypically typical film by one of his favourites.
Small Town Gay Bar (Malcolm Ingram)
Actually a few of them, but the idea is emblematic.
George Booker cruises... -
Shoot 'Em Up (Michael Davis)
Shoot 'Em Up is dumb, senseless and with little coherency, and quite possibly some of the most fun you'll have at the theatre all year. Even that kid that hated Transformers liked it!
Lewis Parry reviews... -
Halloween (Rob Zombie)
Halloween is a victim of Zombie's adoration with Michael Myers and his love for the original.
Lewis Parry reviews... -
The Bridge (Eric Steel)
Teenage Suiciiide... Don't Do It! But seriously...
George Booker reviews... -
The Holy Mountain (Alejandro Jodorowsky)
Somebody finally cut through the red tape and got Jodorowsky onto DVD.
George Booker reviews...